I've followed this recipe twice and got better the second time, this is about to be a recipe I carry with me for a long time. Thank you!

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This makes me so happy! Also felt the same way the 2nd and 3rd time around. The flavors are unmatched and underestimated.

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I love that you started this newsletter and shared this recipe! It’s one of my favorite Filipino dishes bc we rarely do vegetarian, but this one is so special to me.

I appreciate the intersectionality in which you write. Bringing awareness to a dark history and existing reality, but finding a way to infuse the joy and the universal connectivity of food. I can’t help but think a good conversation over a recipe like this could bring some necessary dialogue to the forefront, awareness with every savory bite seems worth it to me !!! Love it Menn, can’t wait to learn more xx

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Gee! Such a treat and honor to see your comment here. Wouldn’t it be incredible to have a recipe club where we talk about all the topics and foodways that connect us?! 🥲 In the meantime, I’ll keep trying to do it justice on Taste Bud. So glad you’re here! 🙏🏿

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